If you, like me can experience this game on a 27" full HD monitor with an ATI Radeon HD series GPU then you will know that you can finally compare this game to the highest ranking, graphics intensive games on the current market, which is a lot to say for EA since they never worried to much about the High Definition gaming environment. A lot of strategy and creativity literally come into play when defeating death eaters, snatchers and all the magical monsters of the woods.

If you have read the series you will be amazed as i was to see how accurate the story timeline of the game actually is. HALLOWED BE THY POTTER! Truly a spectacle and a treat to all Harry Potter gaming fans! This instalment in the EA series involves actual 1st HALLOWED BE THY POTTER! Truly a spectacle and a treat to all Harry Potter gaming fans! This instalment in the EA series involves actual 1st person interaction whereas up until now all Harry did was run around Hogwarts, make potions and collect cards.